Write with us

Share you message through BCA.

We believe in the power of knowledge and the impact of sharing it. Whether you’re a journalist, a specialist in your field, or an expert with valuable insights into business, regulation, technology, or any related area, your voice can make a difference.

What our readers like

Submission guidelines

Submit your story

Need inspiration?

Every professional in this industry has a story to tell.

What are some of the pressing issues you wish more people knew about? The iGaming industry in Africa is constantly evolving, despite the regulations surrounding it being relatively new. Given the speed at which the markets are expanding, certain issues may be overlooked that ought to be brought to light.

  • Responsible gambling is challenging yet essential for a sustainable market. Does your community have sufficient support and institutional mechanisms to promote responsible gambling?
  • Unlicensed operators employ tactics to evade detection and bypass local player protection measures, exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit. Are you aware of any deceptive tactics that need to be brought to light?
  • Scammers target vulnerable individuals in every industry, and iGaming is no exception. Do you have insights into ongoing scams or scam groups that should be exposed?
  • Technical innovation is propelling the online industry forward at an unprecedented pace. Are you part of a company that has developed innovative technology worth celebrating?
  • Economic distress can often lead to an increase in problematic gambling. Have you witnessed firsthand how this has impacted your community?

There are thousands of untold stories that can shape the future of iGaming in Africa.
– Your story can help shape it with BCA.




Our submission guidelines.

To ensure the quality and integrity of our content, we ask that all contributors adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Expertise Required

Your submission should reflect your expertise in your field. While you don’t need to be a professional writer, your content should come from a place of authority and knowledge.

2. Originality

We value originality and ask that your submissions be previously unpublished. Your content should offer fresh insights and perspectives.

3. Editorial Review

Our editorial team will review and possibly edit your submission to ensure it aligns with our content standards. Should any changes be made, we will seek your review and approval before publishing.

4. Author Bio

Contributors are encouraged to submit a brief author bio, which may include a link to your LinkedIn, personal or professional website. Including a headshot with your bio is optional but welcomed.

Send us your pitch

Here’s how you submit.

To submit your content idea, please fill out the content submission form available on our website. This form is designed to capture all necessary details about your proposed article, including topic, summary, and your expertise area. Our team will review your submission and get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.


Frequently asked questions.

BCA Writers

Join Our Community.

By contributing to BCA, you’re not just sharing your knowledge; you’re becoming part of a community dedicated to promoting safe, informed, and responsible sports betting in Africa. We’re excited to read your submissions and share your expert insights with our audience.

Bwin Africa Partners Logo
Brian Ngure.

Writer, Kenya

Working with BCA has been an amazing experience and super easy. I enjoy the projects I work on and the team is always ready to assist and clarify anything. Everyone is friendly and professional, and you get to be part of a great team that delivers high-quality content.

Bwin Africa Partners Logo
Joseph Muchiri.

Writer, Kenya

It has been such a pleasure and delight to work with BCA. I particularly loved how effective their editors are in communicating the tasks at hand. Writers are given comprehensive briefs with timely deadlines. Also, I was taken aback by how supportive the team is; payments are timely with consistent work throughout the year.